Monday, May 16, 2005


I surprised myself this morning. I decided that it seemed like a while since I had posted, at least a couple days or so, so I thought I would post something. I started to count the days to see what day it was today. I can't believe it's day eighteen!! I'm doing so well. I am so proud of myself. I have not messed up one time. I've been having slight attitude problems. (usually only when I go without my patch) But, I guess it's better to have a slight attitude then be a nasty smoker. I feel better. I smell soooooo good. My breath is kind of nice. My taste buds are working better. I mean, it's amazing the difference. I've had a couple cravings, but overall It's been pretty easy. I'm still trying to avoid people and places that might make me want a cigarette, but sometimes you just can't. I doing well though.

And since my lovely boyfriend brought up the point about how much time I have wasted in my life with smoking, I thought I would add some calculations to show that as well. Once again, I will calculate as I go.

Ok, so I suppose that it takes probably 3-4 minutes to smoke a cigarette. Or 5-6 minutes if that includes taking a break from work, walking to the "smoking spot" and lighting up. So, let's say an average of 4.5 minutes per cigarette I have smoked. Now, going back to my original calculation of how many cigarettes (approx.) I have smoked in my lifetime...let's see, that was 65,700 cigarettes. So, 65,700 times 4.5 minutes per cigarette equals 295,650 total minutes I have wasted in my life to smoke. That's 4,927.5 hours equaling 205.31 days totally almost seven months. Wow....that is a waste.

There you go, hon. Happy? Well, of course you're not happy about that, but you know what I mean. I did the calculations for you. A lot of time wasted. That's the conclusion.

Way to go, NATALIE!!!! You are doing fantastic! You're already more than half way to your one month marker!!! Woo-HOO!!!! Good job, Nat!!!


Blogger Mr. Youngs said...

Good job honey, thats almost two weeks!! way to go ;P

11:17 AM  
Blogger Natalie said...

What do you mean, "thats almost two weeks"?
Honey, it says DAY EIGHTEEN!
Are you being sarcastic? I hope so. Otherwise, I'd tell you that you are studying too hard and need to take a break!!

10:13 AM  
Blogger Mr. Youngs said...

No, its a running joke, not sarcasm, aothough I don't know who it is running from :)

9:08 AM  

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