Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Well, I almost thought I was going to have a problem today. I took my patch off early last night. At about 7:00 p.m. I usually take it off right before bed, but I was going swimming, so I took it off earlier. Anyways. I stayed up until 1:00 something and woke up this morning with a huge craving. I went to my purse to retrieve a patch, and then I realized....I was out of patches. Oh no. I didn’t know what to do. The craving was pretty intense. I tried to remain calm. I went to the freezer and got one of the Orange and Creme Ice Cream bars that Luke had brought over the night before. (Surprisingly, they are only 1 Weight Watchers Point each) Anyways. So, I tried to satisfy it with an ice cream. It was still there, but wasn’t so strong now. I was determined to just get ready and get out of the house. I could do it without those things.

I got dressed and put my makeup on. I walked outside and saw my neighbor. I bummed a smoke. I failed.....Again.

Just kidding!!! I didn’t. I found an old STEP 3 patch that had been given to me by one of my old co-workers months and months ago and figured that the low dosage was better than no dosage. So, I did fine. I didn’t smoke. I haven’t even touched a cigarette since I made my decision.

Isn’t that wonderful?

I am doing so good. I am so proud of myself. Keep up the good work, Nat.

Woo-Hoo for you!!!!

“You can either be your worst enemy or your best friend.”


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