Monday, May 02, 2005



Well, day two and three were over the weekend and I didn’t have access to a computer. I was up at ECCO for a women’s retreat. The weekend went very well. I have not slipped once, and I do not plan on doing so. The only times I have the major cravings are when I first wake up, so I just try and keep myself busy getting ready rather than focus on the craving. So far, it’s working. I really don’t see myself failing this time. How could I? I would lose Luke, and he means too much to me. I have no choice. It’s either smoke that cigarette and lose Luke or bear a craving and keep him. He is definitely worth keeping, so I don’t foresee a problem this time around. It’s not even an option for me. Anyways. So, the weekend went fine. I was glad that I was at a women’s retreat, because most Christian’s don’t smoke, so I only smelt it a couple times and I think it was the employees at the resort that were doing the smoking. I would smell it and my nose perked up, but I knew it wasn’t an option.
I was so excited to get home on Sunday. Three days without smoking was sure to improve my breath a little. I had it all planned out. I was going to rush to Luke’s. Open the door, find him and lay him with kisses. But, you’ll never guess what happened. He was asleep. It totally sucked. Like the whole way down the mountain I am looking forward to that kiss and he was totally asleep. So, I leave and decide I’ll come back later and do it then. No, kidding, he was still asleep. Total bummer. Turns out he was feeling very ill and running a mild fever, so I couldn’t stay mad at him, but still. And it really stunk because I wanted so bad to give him an uninhibited kiss but because he was sick, I had to settle for a cheek kiss. (Sigh)
Anyways. Today’s going fine so far. Got my patch on and I’m ready to start this day. I also started weightwatchers today. Do you think I’m giving myself too much? I just don’t want to get any fatter during the non-smoking thing. Well, if it feels like to much, I’ll stop the diet for now and start again when I get to the one-month marker of not smoking. WISH me luck.

Natalie, you are doing so good. I am so totally proud of you. Keep it up, it is so worth it!!!! Remember where you can turn when things get rough.
Hang in there!


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