Monday, May 09, 2005


I am really proud of myself. When I woke up this morning, I realized something wonderful. I wasn't craving a cigarette. I woke up, got ready for work and still wasn't craving. I grabbed a Nicotine patch before I left. I just barely remembered to put it on. But I haven't wanted a cigarette all morning. I feel great.
I have to admit, I have quit smoking before. For three weeks, I think was the longest, but during that time, I always cheated at least one. I would sneak a single drag, or a single smoke, but then would continue quiting. But this time, I have done so well. I have not cheated once. Now, don't get me wrong, I have been tempted beyond belief. I have had lunch with my friend Mike, who smokes in his house. He smoked, I did not falter. Later that day I took him to my grandma's for dinner and after dinner, he smoked. I still was strong. Then later that evening, I played a game of Texas hold em poker with smokers. They smoked right by to me, almost during the whole game, but I still didn't smoke. Luckily the people who were directly on the left and right of me were not smokers, and we played out side this time instead of the garage, so the smoke didn't really bother me at all. I was tempted. I have been tempted. I have almost said, "Oh just have one..." But I have been able to realize the stupidity in this statement. It's so funny, I don't know if any other person will ever understand it, but I feel so wonderful when I don't smoke. Not only for the fact that I don't stink, and I NEED a cigarette every hour, but mainly for the way it affects my relationship with those around me. With my boyfriend, my daughter and the rest of my family. You see, before, with my boyfriend, I just didn't smoke around him. I was a regular heavy smoker daily, but then he would come over and I wouldn't smoke. So, most of his visiting time was me craving a cigarette. I even used to cancel plans or avoid going somewhere with him to avoid the cravings. I would rather smoke than go with him. I knew this was a problem. I hated that about me. But now, I want to see him all the time. I want to see him in the middle of the day and not worry about the smell on my clothes or the taste in my mouth. I can see him with confidence that I am attractive to him again. It's wonderful. I don't know how to explain it to anyone that has not experienced it. I can "Do lunch" with him again. I can suprise him after work and meet him at his house. I can invite him to Karaoke cause I won't be smoking.
Blah, blah, blay....this is a long post. I am just getting excited about my progress. I have the right to be long-winded.
Today is day eleven.


Blogger Mr. Youngs said...

Yeah, I figured thats why you were being such a biznitch to me when I came over too, because you were craving a cigarette, and that is what really pissed me off, especially when you were telling me that your smoking doesn't affect me. I'm ver glad that you are done.

11:35 AM  
Blogger Natalie said...

Geez, hon. I'm talking about how wonderful you are. Thanks for your honesty, but people are going to think that you're the one who is a biznitch. He's really sweet, you guys, I swear. =)

3:53 PM  
Blogger Mr. Youngs said...

Guys can't be biznitches, and you've never called me that..only an abidishobedole, or a prizznick. But I'm not either (eee-ther) one of those either(eye-ther).

9:14 AM  
Blogger Natalie said...

You're right, hon. You're not either one of those either. You're a

10:03 AM  
Blogger Natalie said...

Whoops, I accidentally hit Login and Publish before I finished that last sentence. Now what was I saying?..........

10:04 AM  

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