Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Yes, it is Day Twenty-Seven. I still haven't messed up once. I feel very confident about my ability to stay away from cigarettes. My cravings are very slim to none. Every once in a while I'll feel like I am having a craving, but I just justify in my head that it's caused by something else, like wanting to take a bath, or dye my hair or something like that. I've been around smokers and it still doesn't bother me. The only thing that really bothers me is the bathroom at my work. I work in a complex with all types of businesses around the area, well, there's a public-like bathroom at the end of the building. This is where we do our business. Well, the owner of the complex who is at the opposite end of the building takes his cigarette breaks when he takes his bathroom breaks. And he just walks right into the bathroom with the cigarette lit. He really has no consideration for anyone else. I didn't like that even when I did smoke. Anyways, so everytime I walk into the bathroom I smell cigarette smoke, so that gets pretty nasty, but I can deal with it.
Anyways. I don't have much to write today, just wanted to check in. I really can't believe it's been Twenty-seven days.
Only four more days until the one-month marker.
You excited honey?



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