Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Well, I have made it past my one month anniversary of being a non-smoker!! I am beginning month two. I am doing superb!!!! I think I deserve a present. Seriously. And I'm not hinting or anything, I am just stating my opinion. If I had money, why, I'd buy MYSELF a present. Or maybe a party, or dinner, or even just a card. I think a whole month is worth something!
But, it’s not about that, and I know that. I guess the satisfaction of saying I haven’t smoked in thirty-two days is good enough for me. That’s right! It is. I am so proud of myself, I probably tell just about everyone I know or have met in the last thirty-two days. “Today is my tenth day not smoking,” “I haven’t smoked for twenty-four days,” “I quit smoking thirty-one days ago.” It’s really fun. Some people still have trouble believing me, but that’s ok. I believe in myself. I was telling Luke that now since I have gotten past the one-month marker that he had to be there for me and encourage me, but really I don’t even need him anymore. I think that’s how he was playing it anyway. Oh well. He can still tell me every once in a while that he’s proud of me. He should give me more kisses though. =)
(now that’s a hint)
Ok, well, I’m just checking in.....
Thirty-two days down, only about 60 plus years left to go.


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