Friday, August 19, 2005


Yes, you read right. It's day four. I messed up big time. I started smoking almost regularly again. I feel so horrible. Like all of that stuggle was for nothing. I will say that I have a different state of mind this time. It doesn't seem so hard. It's day four already and these last three days have been a breeze. Not like the last time. It was so hard the last time. My first three days were tough. I probably said I was doing good and not having any problems just to encourage myself, but really it was quite difficult.

So, it goes again. I'm starting over. So, it's day four.

Life is a struggle.

Monday, July 11, 2005


Well, it's day 70. Which is quite a while. Over two months now. I finally figured out how to post pictures on THIS blog, so that's pretty cool. Although a little late to show a picture of Barb, cause that was the very beginning. Plus I already have a link to the website, so I don't want to over do it. I don't have much to say today..... I haven't smoked 1,400 cigarettes and I haven't spend $315 dollars, and I have 15,400 extra minutes of my life, which is 256 hours, which is approximately 10.69 days, which is well over a week. So, I am doing pretty good....

That's all for now.....


p.s. I STILL think I deserve a PRIZE.

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Friday, July 08, 2005


You see, this is exactly why I stopped posting on this blog. Cause if I post, no one reads it, but if I don't post, then people read it and ask me why I haven't posted. And by people, I mean YOU, Luke. You see, cause then it's just dissapointment when I check this blog to see if anyone has commented, and by anyone, I mean YOU, Luke. And I see that no one has, so I think, "eh, no big deal, I just won't blog on this one anymore." And then all of the sudden, I'll check it just to figure out what day I am on when I am curious and then I see you that you may have posted a comment to post. So, what'll it be? Post or don't post? That's the frickin' question.
Woo-hoo. It's day sixty-seven.

I still think I need a reward.

Thursday, June 30, 2005


Well, I didn't post because I didn't think anyone read this blog anymore and I have pretty much left the habit totally behind me. I rarely think about it at all anymore. I think about a week ago I had a slight craving. But it was more cause I was with all smokers and I didn't want to be left out. But, I went outside with them while they smoked and just didn't. Yeah, you can do that.
The only thing that disappoints me about quitting smoking is the fact that I thought I would reap more rewards.
Yes, I smell nice. And my breath is much better. But, I really thought that when I didn't smoke I would definitely get MORE kisses, but that hasn't seemed to happen yet.
So, to anyone that might read this that can do something about it, well, hey, you're lacking in my smooch department!!!
I'm just playing, hon. But you should give me more kisses.
Tomorrow marks two months.
Not bad.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Wow. It's day 51. That's a lot of days. Time for one of my calculations: Let's see: 51 days times 20 cigarettes per day = 1,020 cigarettes that I have NOT smoked. 51 packs of cigarettes times $4.00 average per pack = $204.00 that I have NOT spent on cigarettes. 1,020 cigarettes times 11 minutes = 11,220 I have spared from my life. 11,220 minutes divided by 60 minutes in an hour = 187 hours I have saved. 187 hours divided by 24 hours in a day = 7.79 days I have saved for my life.

ONE WEEK. I have saved ONE WEEK of my life because I have not smoked.

Now, that is an accomplishment!!!

Congratulations, Natalie!!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


I know that no one reads this, but I continue to update it for my own sake. Today is now day 43. Still going strong.
I am really proud of myself. Last night I went to two different bars and drank and I still did not smoke. And the funny thing? It wasn’t even hard. I had no problem at all. I remember saying once after I sang at open mic and was shaking in my flip-flops that I needed a cigarette, but it was just nerves and the feeling quickly subsided.
So, I can’t really say it’s been 43 days since I have smoked a cigarette, cause technically that is not correct. But I can say, I have gone without a cigarette for 43 days.
So, yeah for me.
I am awesome and everyone knows it.



Thursday, June 09, 2005


Ok, if you are paying any attention to the dates, then you would say, "Wait a minute, it's not day thirty-nine, it's day fourty-one." But, unfortunately, it is not. I smoked the last two days.
Now, don't get upset. I am very disappointed in myself. I did it for all the wrong reasons, but was done is done. I can't take it back, I can just continue with my journey. And I have to say, even though I smoked pretty heavily for those two days, I am not at all having a problem today. I don't even feel the difference. This morning I had a little craving, but it was quickly resolved with a single bite of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream. (In know, that's horrible, but hey, it went away.)
So, technically, if you wanted to be a dick about it, this would be day one again. But screw that noise. I had a two day break, that's all. So, I'll subtract those two days I messed up and count this as Day Thirty-nine. And if you don't like that, well, kiss my ass.
Ok. So, day thirty-nine it is. Which means my two month anniversary would be two days later than the 29th, so my new anniversary date is on the 31st (or st) of each month. I'll just say the last day of the month from here on out. So, with that said, only 22 more days to Goal No. 2